Изучаемое на занятиях

На прошедших двух занятиях мы разобрали следующие фигуры и танцы:

Младшая группа


Skip-change of step (Скип-чейндж)

Pas-de-basque (Па-де-баск)


Figure of 8(восьмерка)

Cast off (up)

Rights & Lefts 
1 – 21st and 2nd couples, giving right hand to partner, cross over to change sides.
3 – 41st & 2nd woman (on the man?s side) and 1st & 2nd man (on the woman?s side), giving left hand to each other, change places on the sidelines.
5 – 61st and 2nd couples, giving right hand to partner, cross over to change sides.
7 – 81st & 2nd woman and 1st & 2nd man, giving left hand to each other, change places on the sidelines to finish in their original places. On bar 8, 1st man and 2nd women made polite turn.


POSTIE'S JIG  (J4x32) 4C set R Clowes Ormskirk 5
1 – 81s & 4s set, cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round new end couples
9 – 121M+4M & 1L+4L dance across (men making an arch), turn corners with free hand to face up/down
13 – 161s+4s dance down/up (couple dancing up make the arch) & turn corners
17 – 24Repeat bars 9-16 from new pstns
25 – 321s+4s dance 1/2 R&L & turn partner RH
THE WHITE COCKADE  (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Preston RSCDS Bk 5
1 – 81s+2s+3s set & cross RH, set & cross back RH
9 – 161s lead down the middle for 4 bars & back to top
17 – 241s cast to 2nd place on own sides & circle 4H round to the left with 3s
25 – 322s+1s dance R&L
BLUE BONNETS  (J8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 3
1 – 81L+2M Advance+Retire & dance DoSiDo
9 – 161M+2L Advance+Retire & dance DoSiDo
17 – 241s lead down the middle & back
25 – 321s+2s dance Poussette
HIGHLAND PLAID(Tartan Plaidie)  (S8x32) 2C (4C set) W Campbell RSCDS Bk 7
1 – 81s+2s cross RH & cross back RH
9 – 161s+2s dance RH across & LH across back to places
17 – 241s lead down the middle & back to top
25 – 321s+2s dance Allemande

Старшая группа


The rondel  
1 – 1st couple dance through the arch made by 2nd couple who dance up.
2 –  each man guides his partner across in front of him and all curve towards the opposite side.
3 –  both woman dance to meet each other and join bearer hands on the man`s side as the men do the same on the women`s side. They face their partners across the set.
4 –  all cross to their own side. The women, retaining nearer hands, dance through the arch made by the man.
5 – 2nd couple guide 1st couple across in front of them. 1st couple dance up and 2nd couple dance down.
6 –  both couples curve in to meet partners, 1st couple facing down and 2nd couple facing up, with nearer hands joined.
7 – 1st couple dance through the arch made by 2nd couple who dance up.
8 –  both couples dances out to own sides, having changed places.
1 – 41s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise (end 1s on Ladies side & 2s Mens side), 1s set to 2s
5 – 81s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs clockwise to 2s in 1st place & 1s in 2nd place then both cross RH to own sides


THE CRIEFF JIG   (J8x32) 2C (4C Set) J Trew Let's All Dance
1 – 81s cast down own sides, turning outwards cast back to places
9 – 161s+2s set, cross RH, set & cross back LH
17 – 241s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s (who have stepped up)
25 – 322s+1s circle 4H round & back
THE DUKE OF ATHOLL'S REEL  (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Skillern RSCDS Bk 16
1 – 81s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across, set & dance LH across back to places
9 – 161M+2L set advancing & turn RH back to places, 1L+2M set advancing & turn RH back to places
17 – 241s cross RH, cast to 2nd place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s to 2nd place on own sides
25 – 322s+1s dance R&L
THE WHITE RABBIT  (R8x32) 2C (4C Set) I Boyd Katherine's Bk
1 – 81L followed by 2L dance Fig of 8 round 1M+2M, LSh round 2M to start & end each others place
9 – 161s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17 – 241M followed by 2M dance Fig of 8 round 1L+2L RSh round 1L(in 2nd pl) to start & end each others place
25 – 322s+1s circle 4H round & back
RED HOUSE (Where Would Bonnie Annie Lie)  (R8x40) 2C (4C set) Playford RSCDS Bk 7
1 – 81s set & cast 1 place, set & cast back to original places
9 – 161M (followed by partner) casts 1 place, dances up between 2s & casts down behind 2L, crosses over & both end in 2nd place own side
17 – 241L (followed by partner) casts up to top, dances down between 2s & casts up behind 2M & crosses over & both end in original places
25 – 321s reel with 2M on Mens side (1M & 2M pass LSh & 1L dances to 2nd pl on Mens side to pass ptnr RSh (1L ends in own pl & 1M in 2nd pl)
33 – 401s reel with 2L on Ladies side (1L & 2L pass RSh & 1M dances to 2nd pl on Ladies side to pass ptnr LSh (1s end in 2nd place own side)
THE HAPPY MEETING   (J8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 29
1 – 81M+2L passing RSh & dance Figs of 8 round standing partners passing own partner LSh
9 – 161L+2M passing LSh & dance Figs of 8 round standing partners passing own partner RSh
17 – 241s dance 4 slip step down middle, set to each other, slip step up to top & cast to 2nd place
25 – 322s+1s Advance+Retire clapping on bar 28, & turn partners RH
THE HAROLD HOUSE JIG   (J6x32) 2C (3C set) D Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 1 ≈≈
1 – 81s+2s set & petronella turn into middle, set & 1/2 turn partner RH
9 – 161s+2 dance reel of 4 up/down middle
17 – 241s+2s set & petronella turn to places, set facing on sides & change places (Men LH & Ladies RH)
25 – 322s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross up)
THE CLANSMAN (R8x32) 2C (4C set) D Haynes RSCDS Bk 32
1 – 81s cross RH & cast off 1 place, 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across & set
9 – 161s+2s dance R&L, ending with Men turning Ladies into centre to form a line across
17 – 241s+2s dance the Targe:
17 – 181st & 2nd Ladies dance RH across 3/4 way while Men dance anticlockwise 1/4 way round
19 – 201st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
21 – 221st & 2nd Ladies dance RH across 3/4 way while Men dance anticlockwise 1/4 way round
23 – 241st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn LH to end on sides 1s facing up & 2s facing down
25 – 322s+1s set facing on sides, turn to face partners & set, 1s lead up crossing RH & cast to 2nd place on own sides

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